Study Program


The Undergraduate Program of Communication Science was established in 1950. The establishment of this study program aims to build critical and creative skills for students in order to develop a career in communication and media areas, and be able to contribute to the development of society in the environment. The Undergraduate Program of Communication Science responds to the development of information and communication technologies, which is realized to have changed the way humans communicate as well as the landscape of the media industry, by evaluating and improving the teaching curriculum in order to have relevance.

The Undergraduate Program of Communication Science has the following Educational objectives: (1) strengthen the scientific and practical bases of Communication Science’s students in responding to the needs of communication science profession in Indonesia, (2) in responding to the development of science that develops in the field of communication science, both scientific and practical bases, and (3) encourage the realization of an informative and literative Indonesian society.

In its development, the science of communication and media are transforming continuously over the development of situations and characteristics of society’s lives as well as the industry landscape. Therefore, the Undergraduate of Communication Science establishes four concentrations as the competency category that can be chosen by the students, namely: journalism, entertainment media, public relation, and advertising. 

The Curriculum of Undergraduate of Communication Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada formulates the following graduate profile:
Communication Analyst, Communication Strategist, and Communication Entrepreneur who are critical, ethical, adaptive and collaborative within the area of Asia Pacific.

Communication Analyst, Communication Strategist, and Communication Entrepreneur are expected to be able to enter and take part in different types of profession in the field of communication, both in government and non-government institutions (such as community organization/ civil society) or industry in various fields of communication, such as journalism, entertainment media, advertising and public relations.

More details about the graduate profiles are explained as follows:

  • A Communication Analyst is an individual who is able to conduct an analysis on every topic that covers communication fields, such as industry, culture, systems and so on.
  • A Communication Strategist is an individual who is able to perform a communication role for a certain purpose. The field of communication strategist is not only covered in advertising and public relation, however it is also lined with creative media and journalism.
  • A Communication Entrepreneur is an individual who is able to develop entrepreneurship related to the field of communication. This field covers such as journalist independent, content creator, strategic agency and others.

More details about the characteristic of graduate profile as follows:

  • Critical, it refers to the spirit to figure out and investigate phenomenons that are related to communication comprehensively and rationally. Take advantage of the variety of points of view and background to evaluate a phenomena.
  • Creative, the ability of creativity, to process an idea into a masterpiece, to create a new form and better benefits than what has existed before.
  • Ethical, the belief to use ethical base and humanism principle in valuing truth and error as the creativity base in the communication field.
  • Collaborative, emphasize on the practice of working by involving others as an effort to support each other and grow together.
  • Adaptive, it refers to the ability to respond quickly and precisely in responding to the changes and developments of the dynamic area of communication.

Related to the regional area of graduate participant is described as follows:

  • Pacific Asia includes Asia continent and the Pacific region.
  • Empirically, this arena includes Southeast Asia (Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand), East Asia (China, Japan, South Korea), Australia, and other countries in the Pacific Asia.

Graduates are directed to understand the world of communication in this arena in order to get a role.

According to the graduate profile, the curriculum of 2021 has learning outcomes in accordance with DIKTI standard which included Sikap (S), Pengetahuan (P), Keterampilan Umum (KU) and Keterampilan Khusus (KK). Expected Learning Outcomes are described as follows:

  1. Graduates have critical, ethical, creative, adaptive, and collaborative powers in developing science in society (S1).
  2. Graduates master theories in the field of social science, especially in communication science (P1).
  3. Graduates have the ability to analyze and understand research methods in communication (KU1).
  4. Graduates have the ability to create and implement communication strategically (KU2).
  5. Graduates have the ability to undertake communication practice, both in spoken, written, or audio-visual mediated (KU3).
  6. Graduates have the ability to develop entrepreneurial idea in the field of communication (KK1).
  7. Graduates have knowledge of the dynamic of communication in the Asia Pacific region (KK2).