

"Subari or also known as Mas Bari is an academic administration staff of the Undergraduate Program. He is responsible for supporting the study programs administration such as receiving, managing, and processing documents. He is also responsible for supporting academic administration for students at the Undergraduate Program. For undergraduate students who need administrative assistance, you can directly contact Mas Bari."


Oktavia Dewi K.
"Rr. Oktavia Dewi Krisnawati or also known as Mbak Okta is a finance administration staff of the Graduate Program. She is responsible for financial records as well as making financial transaction reports in the Graduate Program."


Artis Retni M.
"Artis Retni Mardusari or also known as Mbak Artis is an academic administration staff of the Graduate Program. She is responsible for supporting the study programs administration such as receiving, managing, and processing documents. She is also responsible for supporting academic administration for students at the Graduate Program. For graduate students who need administrative assistance, you can directly contact Mbak Artis."


Fitriatun Solikhah
"Fitriatun Solikhah or also known as Mbak Fitri is an academic administration staff of the Undergraduate Program. She is responsible for supporting the study programs administration such as receiving, managing, and processing documents. She is also responsible for supporting academic administration for students at the Undergraduate Program. For undergraduate students who need administrative assistance, you can directly contact Mbak Fitri."

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Risqi Tri Palupi
"Risqi Tri Palupi Wulandari or also known as Mbak Kiki is an academic administration staff of the International Undergraduate Program. She is responsible for supporting the study programs administration such as receiving, managing, and processing documents. She is also responsible for supporting academic administration for students at the International Undergraduate program. For international undergraduate students who need administrative assistance, you can directly contact Mbak Kiki."

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Widya Lupita
"Widya Lupita or also known as Mbak Widya is a finance administration staff of Undergraduate Program. She is responsible for financial records as well as making financial transaction reports in the Undergraduate Program. If the administrator of Komako needs financial administrative assistance, you can directly contact Mbak Widya."

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Upik Kusmawati
"Upik Kusmawati or also known as Mbak Upik is an administration staff of research centre at the Department of Communication Science. Her duties are to provide administrative support regarding research activities such as manage the contract,record research submission and assist researcher meetings."

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Kartika Wulandari
"Kartika Wulandari or also known as Mbak Wulan is an academic administration staff of the Postgraduate Program. She is responsible for supporting the study programs administration such as receiving, managing, and processing documents. She is also responsible for supporting academic administration for students at the Postgraduate Program. For postgraduate students who need administrative assistance, you can directly contact Mbak Wulan."