Study Program
Program Admission
Regular Undergraduate Program Admission
There are several entrance tests of the Undergraduate Program of Communication Science, FISIPOL UGM:
1. Seleksi Nasional Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (SNMPTN) / State University National Admission Selection
SNMPTN is a national admission selection based on academic achievement, using report card score and other achievements relevant to the preferred study program. The admission fee is free.
2. Seleksi Bersama Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (SBMPTN) / State University Joint Entrance Test
SBMPTN is a national admission selection based on the result of a written examination that is held nationally. The applicant should pay the registration fee. Further information related to SBMPTN can be accessed at
3. Penulusuran Bibit Unggul (PBU) Sarjana
Penelusuran Bibit Unggul UGM is a test procedure based on achievement in academic and non academic. This test procedure aims to give an opportunity for high school/vocational/MA/MAK graduates to participate in the selection by choosing 2 (two) study programs in the undergraduate program. There are four admission selection procedures of the Penelusuran Bibit Unggul organized by UGM. They are:
a. Penelusuran Bibit Unggul Tidak Mampu (PBUTM)
PBUTM is intended for students with a good academic performance but experiencing difficulties in economics. If the student's academic performance meets with the qualification in the next semester, the tuition will be fully funded for the next semester.
b. Penulusuran Bibit Unggul Berprestasi (PBUB)
PBUB is intended for students with a good academic performance and have achievements in the fields of science and technology.
c. Penelusuran Bibit Unggul Olahraga dan Seni (PBOS)
PBOS is an admission selection intended for students who have achievements in the fields of sports or arts at the province, national and international levels.
d. Penelusuran Bibit Unggul Kemitraan (PBUK)
PBUK is an admission selection process intended for those who have a high commitment in regional development and the applicant should be proposed by the local government, government institution and/or a company through a partnership program in order to participate in this admission process. The registration fee of this admission is covered by the applicant’s proposer. Further information can be accessed at
4. Ujian Tulis (UTUL) UM UGM / Written Examination/Independent Test Organized by UGM
UM UGM is a written examination organized by UGM. This test scheme gives an opportunity for high school, vocational, MA, MAK graduates to participate in the selection by choosing 3 (three) study programs in the undergraduate program.
More information related to the admission selection, admission schedule, test procedure, test regulation and eligibility can be accessed on the official website of the student admission at