Study Program

The Curriculum of the Communication Sciences Doctoral Program (Strata-3) is designed, structured, and directed to prepare students to become:

  • independent researchers who are able to design and develop scientific concepts of communication
  • specialist experts in professional practice in the field of communication science according to the topic of study, including in the making of communication policies.

To support the achievement of direction, the implementation of research-based education is applied to the Communication Sciences Doctoral Program which includes the following stages:

  • Prepare students as independent researchers and expert specialists in the professional practice of communication
  • It is possible for students not to take part in the lecture stage, if they are judged to have had maximum competence as independent researchers
  • Lecture curriculum is structured to maximize theoretical and methodological competence
b)Comprehensive Examination
  • Evaluate readiness as an independent researcher and expert specialist in the professional practice of communication
  • Students are determined to have had maximum competence as independent researchers through this stage
c)Dissertation Proposal Writing Prepare an independent research design
d)Dissertation Proposal Examination
  • Evaluating the readiness of the research design
  • Determine eligibility as a communication science doctoral candidate
e)ResearchDetermine eligibility as a communication science doctoral candidate Collecting data as a dissertation writing material
f)Dissertation WritingPresenting in writing the results of research carried out based on established academic rules
g)Dissertation Examination
  • Evaluating the ability as an independent researcher from the dissertation that has been prepared
  • Determine eligibility as a doctor of communication science
  • The dissertation examination is conducted behind closed doors followed by an open examination or publication in at least an accredited national journal

1. Achievement of degrees and study load that must be taken

The implementation of the Communication Sciences Doctoral Program (Strata-3) is designed in the form of lectures in class and writing a dissertation. Class activities are held in two semesters with a study load of 12 and 8 credits per semester. After students complete all courses in two semesters, students can start writing a dissertation in the third semester. Research and dissertation writing time will be taken for three semesters, namely semester III – V. In semester VI, students will take a Dissertation Examination. The total study load that must be taken by students before finally obtaining a Doctoral degree is 50 credits.



IISeminar Proposal2
III, IV dan VDissertation Writing22
VIDissertation Examination8

2. Competency Map by Subject

The competency map based on the courses offered in the Communication Studies Doctoral Program can be seen below.

SemesterCourse NameCreditsUnderstandingIntellectualManagerialSkills
IPhilosophy and Scientific Methods of Communication3
ICommunication Research Methods3
ICommunication Regulations and Policies3
IISpecial Topic I3
IISpecial Topic II3
IIDissertation Seminar Proposal Writing2
III - VDissertation Writing22
VIDissertation Examination8

3. The curriculum in the Communication Sciences Doctoral Program includes:

The curriculum of the Communication Sciences Doctoral Program includes compulsory subjects, elective courses, and dissertation writing. Compulsory courses are taken in the first and second semesters, while elective courses can only be taken in the second semester. The writing of the dissertation begins in the third semester, although it can be discussed informally by students from the first semester.

aCompulsory Courses Strata-3 Program in Communication Science
bElective Courses Special Topic Strata-3 Program in Communication Science
cWriting and Dissertation Seminar
dResearch and Dissertation Writing
eDissertation Examination

4. Curriculum Content and Credit Units Semester by Semester

As previously explained, the accumulated study load of students of the Communication Sciences Doctoral Program in taking lectures until finally earning a doctorate is 48 credits. The implementation of lectures with a total load of 48 credits can be seen in detail in the following table.

SemesterType of CourseTotal CourseCredit
ICompulsory Course412
IIElective Courses26
IIDissertation Proposal Writing and Seminar12
III, IV, dan VResearch and Dissertation Writing322
VIDissertation Exam18

5. Distribution of Courses

The management of the implementation of the Communication Studies program curriculum in detail can be mapped out in a number of compulsory and elective courses spread over the first and second semesters. In the first semester, students must complete three compulsory courses, in the second semester students must complete one compulsory course and two elective courses, and start writing a dissertation in the third semester.

NoCourse NameSemesterCredit
1Philosophy and Scientific Methods of Communication I3
2Communication Research MethodsI3
4Communication Regulations Policy I3
5Special Topic Choice III3
6Special Topic Choice II II3
7Dissertation Writing and SeminarII2
8Research and Writing of Dissertation IIII8
9Research and Writing of Dissertation IIIV7
10Research and Writing of Dissertation IIIV7
11Dissertation ExamVI8
TotalI, II, III, IV, V, dan VI50

The course curriculum structure includes five competencies in 1) philosophy and scientific methods of communication, 2) communication research methods, 3) metatheory, 4) regulation and communication policy, and 5) research issues by choosing two of six specific topics.

1. Competence in Philosophy and Scientific Methods of Communication

A re-exploration of various philosophies - such as western philosophy, eastern philosophy, and religious philosophy - which is behind the emergence of attention to communication and developments in communication research is very useful to confirm the map of students' understanding of the developments behind the study of communication so that communication gets scientific validation. The occurrence of scientific migration from Europe to the United States further emphasizes the need to explore the history of the development of communication science and the influence of various other disciplines on communication science. This deepening effort will certainly run parallel to the stages of student learning when further exploring the development of theories, research methods, and communication research traditions.

Making literature reviews and/or critical reviews on philosophy, research traditions, and the history of communication science can support students' competence in analyzing, developing intellectually, and sharpening their sensitivity to a number of thoughts and processes that underlie communication science. In this case, the ability to make a literature review and/or critical review will help or facilitate students in determining their scientific identity as a doctoral candidate in communication science. The indicator of the achievement of this competence in philosophy and scientific methods of communication is the ability to narrate theoretical dialogue on an issue or thought which will also be useful in making independent research designs.

2. Competency of Communication Research Methods

The ability to become an independent researcher must of course be based on maturity of understanding, research managerial skills, and the ability to assemble reinforcement and support for research stages in a number of methods that are commonly applied in communication research. It must be admitted, not all methods used in communication research are typical methods of communication. In this sense, the competence of students to understand a number of social science research methods will be of great benefit when they design certain research related to the study of communication science. An understanding of a number of these methods covers almost all research methods, both quantitative and qualitative research, as well as a combination of quantitative and qualitative.

The dynamics of the rapid development of communication and information technology increasingly requires the ability of students to properly apply and adopt certain research methods. Students' competence in communication research methods will automatically reflect their ability to understand various developments in research methods and examine the strengths and weaknesses of the communication research methods they use in preparing their dissertations. The competence of this communication research method is very useful in developing managerial capacity in managing a research as well as in developing skills when designing, carrying out, and reporting research results.

The competence of communication research methods is basically directed at making justifications for methodological choices supported by the capacity to formulate theories. Making a literature review and/or critical review of a number of research publications needs to be positioned as a way to hone students' competence in terms of communication research methods. The indicator of achieving the competence of this communication research method is the clarity of the application of the method in a research design, including later research methods that are in an independent research design for making a dissertation.

3. Metatheoretical Competence

The ability to understand the philosophy and scientific methods of communication as well as the ability of communication research methods clearly demands a maximum understanding of the theories that develop in communication science. The formation of this metatheoretical competence begins with maturation of in-depth understanding of communication theories, the philosophies that underlie the emergence of communication theories, as well as reconstructing the theory so that it has benefits that are in accordance with human life and the natural surroundings. This will later be useful in mapping, guiding the way, and at the same time conceptually building self-criticism for the development of existing theories.

As a set of rules, principles, or narratives that explain and determine acceptable and unacceptable theories in the scientific discipline of communication, metatheoretical competence is formed from 1) developing student managerial abilities in assembling assumptions about the nature of reality and humans (ontology), the nature of knowing ( epistemology), the purpose of theory and research (teleology), values ​​and ethics (axiology); and the nature of power (ideology), 2) developing student thinking in determining the stages of scientific activity, including at the stage of selecting the theory to be used, and 3) improving student skills in making the rationale for a theory that is used as the basic framework for research, thinking. , and talk about phenomena.

With the emphasis on metatheoretical studies centered on the conditions for the formulation of scientific theories, syntactic properties, and semantic properties of the formulated language, making a review of various communication theories and theories of other disciplines used is an effective method that can later be used. students in preparing a dissertation research design. The indicator of achieving this metatheory competency is the clarity of the position of the researcher in discussing various theories, some of which can be applied to independent research designs for dissertations.

4. Regulatory Competence and Communication Policy

The dynamics of communication and the development of communication information technology directly and indirectly forced these two things to come into contact with the state, which later gave birth to a communication system along with a number of regulations and policies in the field of communication. At this level, researchers and expert specialists in professional practice in the field of communication really need to understand it, which is not only in the form of a sequence of regulations and policies, but also on the social, political, economic, and cultural conditions in society when certain communication regulations and policies are enacted.

These communication regulatory and policy competencies are required primarily by specialists in professional practice in the field of communication that enable them to discuss, provide consultation and advocacy, as well as manage their professional communications services with full awareness of the applicable communications regulations and policies. For researchers, these regulatory competences and communication policies will be very helpful in analyzing the issues or topics they are studying. The historical context, legal perspective, and the impact of these communication regulations and policies on society can certainly sharpen the analysis carried out.

A review of a number of communication regulations and policies that exist in Indonesia and are enforced in various countries is an effective way to understand problems, increase intellectual capacity and skills, and support methodological and analytical abilities of students in observing, reviewing, and developing useful communication regulations and policies. for the public. The indicator of the achievement of regulatory competence and communication policy is the ability of researchers to place the issue or topic of their study appropriately within a framework of applicable laws and regulations, which can later be applied to independent research designs for dissertations.

5. Kompetensi Isu Penelitian/Topik khusus

The dynamics of communication and the development of information and communication technology positively offer many issues or studies that can be further explored by doctoral candidates as independent researchers. These various issues or studies need to be discussed, facilitated by relevant experts, so that they are able to bring up state of the art and critical issues resulting from sharpening the selected issues/study. The competence of this research issue/special topic is achieved by carrying out a series of learning activities, at least on two of the six specific topics specified, namely the following competencies:

  • Digital Communication, focusing on the development of digital technology, its implications in the field of communication, the birth of a networked society, and the transformation of the way humans communicate.
  • Business Communication, which emphasizes identifying the exchange of information within and outside the organization or corporation that can bring benefits to the organization or corporation.
  • Information Management, which emphasizes insight into the creation and strengthening of information management, including security and systems built so as to provide a competitive advantage.
  • Gender and Communication, which focuses on critical perspectives in understanding gender representations in the media and the impact of these representations on the construction of ideologies and social roles.
  • Communication Industry, which presents a complete picture of the industry that has developed from the existence of information transactions, both through the mainstream communication industry and the creative communication industry both in Indonesia and in other countries or regions.
  • Science Communication, which is held to sharpen the ability to understand science communication and the relationship between science, culture, society, and identity.

The indicator of the achievement of competence in this research issue/special topic is the ability of researchers to respond and familiarize themselves with the latest communication issues, which can later be applied to independent research designs for dissertations.

The Communication Sciences Doctoral Program courses consist of basic courses for enrichment of insight and analysis as well as enrichment courses for specific material on communication phenomena.

Basic Course in Enriching Insights and Analysis
(Courses at the first level)

NoCourse Name
1Philosophy, Theory, and Methodology of Communication Science
2Communication Perspective

Communication Phenomena Specific Material Enrichment Course
(Courses on the second level)

NoCourse Name
1Philosophy and Scientific Methods of Communication
2Communication Research Methods
4Communication Regulations and Policies

Special topics:

  1. Digital Communication
  2. Business Communication
  3. Information Management
  4. Gender and Communication
  5. Communication Industry
  6. Science Communication