Study Program

The curriculum of International Undergraduate Program in Communication Science 2020 is designed as a development or revision of the previous 2019 curriculum. This curriculum is designed to be implemented from the 1st semester of 2020/2021 for at least 1 year until the curriculum evaluation is carried out.

This curriculum is structured by considering the development of communication science at the local, national and international levels. As for studying these developments, the Curriculum Team has done some work, starting from aligning this curriculum with the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI) to benchmarking the curricula of other communication study programs at the local, national, and international levels.

This curriculum is also prepared to consider the dynamics needs of Communication Studies fresh graduates, within state institutions, social organizations, and industries. An understanding of this condition is obtained by conducting studies on graduates and graduate users in various related fields.

In addition, this curriculum is also prepared by considering the prospective students’ profiles (interests, characters, demographics, etc.) and aligning them with Department’s vision, "Crafting Well Informed Society". With this curriculum, International Undergraduate Program in Communication Science will produce graduates who are capable of critical thinking and qualified in the practical/ professional world.

Foundations in Academic Life and Communication
Semester I: Being a Social, Political, and Communication Student
In this semester, students gain basic knowledge to become students of communication science, especially as part of the social and political sciences. Students are expected to master the basic concepts of communication science and be able to carry out basic practices such as writing and public speaking.
No.List of CoursesCredits
1Student Orientation1
2Academic Writing2
3National Ideology2
4Religious Studies2
5Basic of Social Science3
6Indonesian Social & Political History3
7Introduction to Political Science3
8Communication Science I3
9Public Speaking3
10Human & Cultural Communication3
Semester II: Becoming a Competent Communication Specialist
In this semester, students are introduced to the media landscape and the roles of communication in it. Students are expected to understand the historical dynamics and contemporary developments of these fields in the media landscape at the national and global levels.
No.List of CoursesCredits
2Social Research Methods3
3Communication Science II3
4Media Entrepreneurship3
7Public Relations3
8Entertainment Media3
Communication, Social Dynamic, and Professional Life
Semester III: Basic Communication Practice and Context
In this semester, students explore several disciplines that prepare them to take an active role as communication experts in society. Students are expected to master important things in communication practice and their social context, such as ethics and industry, both on a national and international scale.
No.List of CoursesCredits
1Social & Political System of Indonesia3
2International Communication3
3Group & Organizational Communication3
4Political Economy of Indonesian Media3
5Visual Communication3
6Creative Media Industries3
8Communication Ethics3
Semester IV: Basic Communication Practice, Research, and Context
In this semester, students will continue to deepen number of sciences that support them in various professions as well as communication research. Students are also expected to master important things in communication practices such as management, regulation, and other social contexts.
No.List of CoursesCredits
1Media Management3
2Social Campaign3
3Indonesian Media Policy & Regulation3
4Multiplatform Media3
5Communication Research Methods3
6Media, Youth, & Culture in Indonesia3
7Content Production3
8Communication & Indonesian Tradition3
International Exposure and Advance Communication
International Exposure/ Elective Course
In this third year, students are expected to deepen the practice of communication that is more advanced in accordance with their interests. Students are expected to be able to sharpen their knowledge of communication and socio-politics as an asset to play an active role in the dynamics of society at the national, regional and global levels.
Semester V
No.List of CoursesCredits
1International Exposure18
1Elective Course I3
2Elective Course II3
3Elective Course III3
Elective Course Options:
Multimedia Journalism
Cinema in Southeast Asia
Marketing PR
Lobby and Negotiation
Brand Management
Consumer Behavior
4Cross Department Course3
5Cross Department/Faculty Course3
Semester VI
No.List of CoursesCredits
1International Exposure18
2Thesis Proposal3
1Elective Course I3
2Elective Course II3
3Elective Course III3
Elective Course Options:
Communication & Gender
Creative Media Writings
Crisis Communication
Government Relations
Strategic Planning
Advertising Management
4Cross Department Course3
5Cross Department/Faculty Course3
7Thesis Proposal3
Completion Year
Final Assignment
In the final semesters, students will apply their theoretical and practical knowledge into individual research work (conventional thesis or work) according to their field of interest. Under the direction of their supervisor, students are expected to be able to produce data and analysis that are useful in the development of communication science.
Semester VII & VIII
No.List of CoursesCredits
  • The 2020 curriculum adopt a semi-block based curriculum structure. In this system, students will take all compulsory courses (University, Faculty, or Department) in 1st semester to 4th

  • Students are advised to undergo International Exposure in the third year (5th or 6th semester) with a conversion of 18 credits (minimum 12 credits). In the third year, students are also given the option to take elective courses, cross-department/faculty courses, and co-curricular. Co-curricularincludes assessment of achievement, participation in academic activities, external courses, internships, and independent study under lecturer supervision. Co-curricular is taken as much as 3 credits (maximum 9 credits).

  • This curriculum also has courses that categorize as Special Indonesia Courses. These type of courses emphasize the Indonesian context, especially offered to exchange students from outside campuses.

  • Students are directed to take the number of credits and courses as follows:

No.Type of CoursesCreditsNumber of Subject
1University Course95
2Faculty Course155
3Department Compulsory Course7224
4Int. Exposure Course186
5Department Elective Course93
6Cross-Department Course62
9Thesis Proposal31
1Student Orientation
2Academic Writing
3Religious Studies
4National Ideology
1Basic of Social Science
2Indonesian Social & Political History
3Introduction to Political Science
4Social Research Method
5Social & Political System of Indonesia
1Communication Science I
2Communication Science II
3Human & Cultural Communication
4International Communication
5Group & Organizational Communication
6Communication Ethics
7Indonesian Media Policy & Regulation
8Media Management
9Creative Media Industries
10Public Relations
12Entertainment Media
14Public Speaking
15Communication Research Method
16Social Campaign
17Media Entrepreneurship
18Multiplatform Media
19Content Production
20Political Economy of Indonesian Media
22Media, Youth, & Culture in Indonesia
23Communication & Indonesian Tradition
24Visual Communication
1Multimedia Journalism
2Communication & Gender
3Cinema in Southeast Asia
4Crisis Communication
5Marketing PR
6Lobby & Negotiations
7Brand Management
8Consumer Behaviour
9Creative Media Writings
10Government Relations
11Strategic Planning
12Advertising Management
1Indonesian Media Policy & Regulation (Dept. course)
2Media, Youth, & Culture in Indonesia (Dept. Course)
3Communication, Arts & Indonesian Tradition (Dept. Course)
4Political Economy of Indonesian Media (Dept. Course)
5Cinema in Southeast Asian (Elective Course)